About us

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Our Philosophy

Behind our products

A story of innovation



We are not (just) an eyewear company

We are a group of passionate people that believe we can change the way we interact with our planet.

Based in Patagonia, we have come to see things from the perspective of a wild, pure and majestic nature.  

Karün means to be nature in the mapuche language; ancestral indigenous culture from Chile.

Our origin has shaped the foundation of our worldview and the way we have built our company; committed to collaborating with people from around the world to ask ourselves one question every-single-day...



What would the world look like if we understood that we are all nature?

We believe that if people around the world start to reflect on this question, we could have the possibility to live in a world that is in harmony with ourselves and our natural environment.

We are striving to protect nature by listening and learning from the wise advice from indigenous tribes, by working alongside local rural communities, empowering them to protect their territory and inspiring people to start looking at the world from a different point of view.


We are making high-quality eyewear that can serve as a symbol of a different way of looking at the world and made under a very different logic; instead of the widely used linear and extractive process, we are working hard to build our entire value chain under a circular and regenerative model.

A different point of view. 

Our sunglasses enable us to share and spread our perspective of the world and fund long-term projects that can help protect vast territories of pure nature and empower hundreds and even thousands of rural entrepreneurs.

… and this is not fashion; it is the way we see the world.